I promote the agency only with content marketing and receive 75-100 leads per month. Here’s how it works. October 4, 2023
Russian student replaced the laptop brands that had left Russia and became the best on market! November 12, 2023
I used ChatGPT every day for 5 months. Here are some hidden features that will change your life November 17, 2023
Bee Sharing continued: How much money does one bee bring? The economics of beekeeping. https://pchelosharing.ru/In November we wrote about how to “digitize” an apiary and turn it into “bee sharing”. In this article, its author, Artem Zharov, talks about the economics of the project and the change in business model. https://pchelosharing.ru/By Artem Zharov Founder and designer of BeeSharing and BeeSharing/GiftBees in the hiveActually, the figure of 40 kopecks per year is not entirely accurate. To begin … Read More
How we looked for a GO-GO dancer for our IT company By Yaroslav RadinskyCEO at RASA.pro tg – @radinskiyThe text is published with the permission of the author.Link to original text is here.I’ll tell you why we hired such an employee and what came out of it. About the battle with headhunters, resourceful pimps, and unconventional team-building.How we looked for a GO-GO dancer for our IT company 48..In the photo: Kristina … Read More
Internship search engine: subscribe, search, start breathtaking career! By Vladislav Vorkel Product designer at Yandex.Founder of the service for finding internships: https://t.me/Intern_Sheep.Author’s blog: https://t.me/designvorkelMy internship search product currently has over 300 paying users, and it generates a monthly income equivalent to the salary of an average IT professional. I dreamed of creating a product that people would use, even if just a couple of them.Hello, I’m Vlad Workel, … Read More
Beyond the bounds of reason: 7 most extraordinary office spaces By Finder.workhttps://finder.work – a service for finding vacancies and employees for remote work. Our telegram channel https://t.me/theyseekuFinder.work has collected unusual solutions from around the world.Beyond the bounds of reason: 7 most extraordinary office spaces 107…Sima Land office spaceThe office of the Russian online store Sima-Land features golden plasterwork, large chandeliers, paintings in ornate frames, and intricately painted ceilings. What do … Read More
Perplexity AI: Jeff Bezos supported the “killer” of Google By NEUROMARKETHobby blog about neural networks: https://t.me/+uBkKVdA–zhhYTRiI don’t look for clients, I don’t warm up, I don’t sell, and I don’t swindle. I write and translate about what interests me.Perplexity AI: Jeff Bezos supported the "killer" of Google 137…Perplexity AI (The American startup) has secured $73.6 million in investments from a group of investors, including Amazon founder Jeff Bezos.Moreover, Perplexity AI responds … Read More
Copywriting: 8 easy ways to multiply the reach of your copy and rise response. BY PAVEL MOLYANOVI blog about content and marketing. I run a content marketing agency.Copy, copywriting: Creating high-quality content is expensive, which means releasing it once and forgetting about it is too wasteful. In this article, I will share how I distribute content in my projects to maximise reach from a single piece.Hello! My name is Pasha Molyanov, and I lead the content … Read More
Copywriting: 8 ways to kill your job and 8 good life hacks to make your client happy. BY PAVEL MOLYANOVI blog about content and marketing. I run a content marketing agency.Copywriting: We make cool projects, but the cases turn out dull. What is the problem? I'm telling you about 8 reasons why it's challenging to showcase how truly cool and professional you are in stories about work.Hello! My name is Pasha Molyanov, and I lead the content agency “Sdelaem” … Read More
HomeBro: AI searching the rental property. 50,000 daily listings. By Lev KlebanovI am developing a housing search service https://homebro.ru The text is published with the permission of the author.The original text is here.My eye twitched when I tried to find an apartment for my parents. No longer: I have launched the HomeBro website, which searches for apartments on all the top real estate listing sites. All property offers on … Read More
Research: Five product design market changes in 2023 Avito and Devсrowd found out by interviewing 646 specialists from Russian and foreign companies.By AVITO.The most popular service is an online classifieds platform in Russia.The text is published with the permission of the author.The original article is here.Research: Five product design market changes in 2023 218…In 2023, together with the Devcrowd team, we conducted an extensive study, surveying 646 product … Read More
How I earned 500,000 by making access to ChatGPT. By Rostislav DuginTG: @rostislav_duginhttps://click-chat.ru/The text is published with the permission of the author.The original is here. The article about how I almost missed the “boom” of ChatGPT but gained access to it and made money (and continue to earn). The project itself is currently declining, but I’ll discuss that at the end.How I earned 500,000 by making access to ChatGPT. … Read More
9th of May, Victory day. The rap by Michail Galustian (Comedy Club resident) in English, Russian and Spanish.