Business “Breaking Bad”: Burned out programmer makes 37 million a year selling plants and fertilisers. May 23, 2024
News The renewal of expired ID (cedula) in the Dominican Republic in 2024 is postponed until October. April 21, 2024
Business Bee Sharing continued: How much money does one bee bring? The economics of beekeeping. March 3, 2024
Technology Scientific detective about LK-99. (Or how to cook a superconductor in a pot in the kitchen) November 24, 2023
Business Russian student replaced the laptop brands that had left Russia and became the best on market! November 12, 2023
Relocation Moving to the Netherlands. Ups and downs along the way, as well as 7 years of life in the country of tulips and windmills October 20, 2023
Business How InDrive built a $1.2 billion business, starting with the VK (Russian Facebook) group in Yakutia (Russian Subarctic City) November 24, 2023
Life Amazon vs Shopify. Why are analysts talking about the end of the era of marketplaces in the US? November 19, 2023
Lifestyle DJ César Cosío will take his “Musical Talks” to the Constitution Culture Center August 18, 2023
AI The main event in the world of AI: the creator of ChatGPT spoke about the future he is leading us all into November 16, 2023
copywriting Copywriting: 8 ways to kill your job and 8 good life hacks to make your client happy. December 15, 2023
News The number of vacancies in the automotive business increased by 76% over the year November 24, 2023
Technology “Creativity on the Volga”: how to make a hackathon for 1000 people in two months and what to be focused on November 24, 2023
Business “Breaking Bad”: Burned out programmer makes 37 million a year selling plants and fertilisers. By Slava Riumin. Business blogs can be found at I also run the blog “Fell, Got Up” at text is published with the permission of the author… Read More
9th of May, Victory day. The rap by Michail Galustian (Comedy Club resident) in English, Russian and Spanish.
Life 9th of May, Victory day. The rap by Michail Galustian (Comedy Club resident) in English, Russian and Spanish.
News The renewal of expired ID (cedula) in the Dominican Republic in 2024 is postponed until October.
Business “Breaking Bad”: Burned out programmer makes 37 million a year selling plants and fertilisers. By Slava Riumin. Business blogs can be found at I also run the blog “Fell, Got Up” at text is published with the permission of the author… Read More
9th of May, Victory day. The rap by Michail Galustian (Comedy Club resident) in English, Russian and Spanish.
Research: Five product design market changes in 2023 Avito and Devсrowd found out by interviewing 646 specialists from Russian and foreign companies.By AVITO.The most popular service is an online classifieds platform in Russia.The text is published with the permission of the author.The original article is here.Research: Five product design market changes in 2023 125…In 2023, together with the Devcrowd team, we conducted an extensive study, surveying 646 product … Read More
Digital nomad visa instead of D7: how to get a residence permit in Portugal in 2023. Personal experience
Business “Breaking Bad”: Burned out programmer makes 37 million a year selling plants and fertilisers. By Slava Riumin. Business blogs can be found at I also run the blog “Fell, Got Up” at ht…
News The renewal of expired ID (cedula) in the Dominican Republic in 2024 is postponed until October. Based on materials from Listin DiarioCedula: The Dominican Republic is transitioning from a simple plastic card with a photo…
Business Bee Sharing continued: How much money does one bee bring? The economics of beekeeping. November we wrote about how to “digitize” an apiary and turn it into “bee sharing”. In this arti…
Travel The Dominican Carnival: A Journey through Culture and History IntroductionWelcome to the heart of the Dominican Republic, where history and culture come alive through the vibrant celebra…
AI How I earned 500,000 by making access to ChatGPT. By Rostislav DuginTG: @rostislav_dugin text is published with the permission of the author.The orig…
Technology Scientific detective about LK-99. (Or how to cook a superconductor in a pot in the kitchen) Once a Korean girl decided to cook semiconductor on her kitchen. This is half scientific, half PR story. Al least she became…
Business Russian student replaced the laptop brands that had left Russia and became the best on market! By Kamil KhuzhiakhmetovLaptops: with the permission of the author.The original article is her…
Relocation Moving to the Netherlands. Ups and downs along the way, as well as 7 years of life in the country of tulips and windmills By Deian Edigarov (Movly) Writes about startup development in Europe, relocation, investments and my relocation agency Movly…
Business The history of Detroit’s decline: are communists to blame? Or not? By COMREDA: Explore business, marketing, scandals, intrigues, and investigations through the lens of the content marketing a…
Life 9th of May, Victory day. The rap by Michail Galustian (Comedy Club resident) in English, Russian and Spanish. (please chose the relevant language in the menu and the rhymes translation from the following:English translation. Chose …
Digital nomad visa instead of D7: how to get a residence permit in Portugal in 2023. Personal experience
9th of May, Victory day. The rap by Michail Galustian (Comedy Club resident) in English, Russian and Spanish.
Classification and overcoming of mental obstacles of those who work online. By Anastasia Umnova, Personal Coach.Psychologist.Her Telegram channel is here.Mental obstacles... Most experts (specialists) who …