Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Google+ Share on Reddit Share on Pinterest Share on Linkedin Share on Tumblr Avito and Devсrowd found out by interviewing 646 specialists from Russian and foreign companies.By AVITO.The most popular service is an online classifieds platform in Russia.The text is published with the permission of the author.The original article is here.Research: Five product design market changes in 2023 29…In 2023, together with the Devcrowd team, we conducted an extensive study, surveying 646 product designers to discover where they live, work, and how the market is evolving. The research turned out to be comprehensive 👉 See the full report.We plan to conduct it annually, as we understand that it is currently the most comprehensive study of the market for Russian-speaking product designers. In the article, we will share five interesting observations. Here they are, summarised in 200 characters 👇🏻They are job hunting, have no plans to return to Russia, wish to learn to navigate product metrics, nearly maintain gender balance, and aspire to work at Yandex, Aviasales, Tinkoff, Ozon, and Avito.And now in more detail:Gender [im]balanceProduct designers show no gender imbalance. Among survey participants, men and women are roughly equal. However, when looking at job grades, the following pattern emerges:Research: Five product design market changes in 2023 30…But women are much less likely to rise to Senior-Lead positions than men.Among the newcomers, ¾ are women. Among the managers – ¾ are menMeanwhile, 2/3 of art directors took more than 3 years to grow into their roles. So, let’s see in a few years if the distribution among leaders changes.Avito entered the top 5 companies where product designers want to workRespondents chose companies based on various criteria: for 80%, a cool product is important, for 73%, interesting tasks, and for 67%, a strong team.Here are other leading employers from the study:Research: Five product design market changes in 2023 31…Top 20 companies where designers want to workHalf of designers are ready to change jobsIt seems employers should be on alert, as just over 50% of the study participants are actively or passively seeking employment. The primary motivation is the desire to increase income and find a competent team for professional growth.Research: Five product design market changes in 2023 32…Red: “I do not plan”, Blue: “I’m considering offers, but not actively looking.”, Yellow: “Yes, I am actively interviewing.” 51.8% are ready to change jobs.When searching for a new job, only 16% of product designers categorically refuse to work for a Russian company. The majority of study participants either work for or at least consider the possibility of working for a company with its headquarters in Russia.Research: Five product design market changes in 2023 33…Yellow: “Yes, I am currently working for a foreign company, but I am ready to work for a Russian company.” Blue: “No, I don’t work for a Russian company and I don’t plan to in the future.” Red: “Yes, I am working for a Russian company now”.73.6% currently work for a Russian company.You can find out which roles designers choose to transition from in the study.Designers who have already left do not plan to return to the Russian FederationA third of designers work abroad: they can be found in Cyprus, Georgia, Serbia, and other countries. Only 3% of those who have left are definitively planning to return to Russia. The majority have a skeptical outlook.Research: Five product design market changes in 2023 34…Yes I am planning to return. Rather yes than no. Rather no than yes. I do not planning to return. Another ⅓ don’t know. They will be guided by the situation.Designers want to develop in related fieldsWe asked designers to indicate which tasks they do and how often they do them. We found an interesting relationship: they see tasks to which they devote little time every day as their growth zone. This is conducting research and developing strategy.Research: Five product design market changes in 2023 35…Statistics on product designer tasksWe asked the question, “Choose 3 skills in which you feel least confident and would like to improve?” and observed that exactly those tasks topped the list.Research: Five product design market changes in 2023 36…Knowledge of product metrics. Qualitative and quantitative research. Long term vision.In the full version of the study, there is much more interesting information: we created a portrait of a product designer, learned about the specifics of the profession and its main skills, asked about relocation, remote work, jobs, and also found out who designers in the community are keeping an eye on.👉 See the studyShare your thoughts in the comments: how things are going in your company, which observations you agree with and which you don’t.By AVITO.The most popular service is an online classifieds platform in Russia.The text is published with the permission of the author.The original article is here.
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